Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Catch up...

We got a chance to go to Sitka this Spring. Mia had a softball tournament, the girls did a great job! I didn't take any game photo's but before we got on the ferry to come back to Juneau we went to the Starrigaven Estuary. We managed to take a couple of pictures. They truely love eachother!

Our "ham"!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reed's 6th Birthday Party

On January 27th Reed turned 6 years old. We had a small birth celebration on is actual birthday. We had a big party on Saturday the 30th at the Ice Rink. The theme of his party was "Bakugan". In case you didn't know what a Bakugan was here is a picture. It is a little ball that when played in a game pops open and typically looks like a dragon. It is apparenlty really big with the boys!
Here is the cake my girlfriend Nicole and I made for the party. Our attempt at replicating the Bakugan ball in the above picture. It was a hit with the kids.
This was what Reed wore for his party. His own special jersey!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hockey Game

Here is a video of Reed's "First Hockey Game". The little Dynomites got to play a quick game during one of the high school games. Reed is number 8...he is a little slow in the begining but he figures it out. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time to hit the slopes

We have had the chance to head up to our local ski area, Eaglecrest. Enjoy the pictures!